
Sunday, February 12, 2012


Go to about 16 minutes and 40 seconds into this show and you'll hear what radical feminists really want, some good, some sinister. The woman says that President Obama is not strong enough on abortions rights, which is at the center of the feminist movement!

Watch February 10, 2012 on PBS. See more from To The Contrary.


Anonymous said...

You'll note that they discuss the split in women's vote was about 4% in 2004 versus 2008. This is that population segment's contribution to the overall 4% difference in the popular vote. In other words the abortion laws were not being discussed by these progressive women in terms of morality, even within the contrived and false terms of 'reproductive rights', but solely in the cynical and selfish terms of the next election. Secondly, the editrix of the Nation was pleased with the global rescinding of 'gag' rules on abortion and has somehow missed that it is capitulation to sex slavery for women worldwide. Whether women are aborted due their sex in Asia or strangled for having women children, as in the Muslim countries, she has negotiated exactly what the male oppressors of these women want: sex with no responsibility. These women have so lost hope that think this is a global Masada where they kill their children to deliver them from the slavery of the cultures they support. Sex slavery is on the rise in this country, hidden by our misguided immigration tolerance and cultural sensitivity. One has to wonder how much that trade is financing this sort of political support.

It is ironic that these people have to start by demonising the women who do not buy into this nihilism rather than cheering them. It is the allure of vanity. The concubine feels empowered and valued. For now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this.
Yet I cannot bear to watch it.
It is more than I can take.

Thank goodness there is you, and others, who can.

I will trust that it is what you say it is, and do what I can in my sphere to combat it and all those lies they believe.

Plus I'll offer up my next decade of the Rosary for you and all the clergy.


Templar said...

Pope Pius XII once said: "The greatest sin of our generation is that it has lost all sense of sin."

Father Kwiatkowski's Homily yesterday comparing Sinners and Lepers was particularly powerful in highlighting that point. Catholics need to hear a never ending drumbeat of these type of Homilies if we are to have any hope of averting the complete marginalization of the Faith.

The general reluctance of the Chruch's Clergy to Preach on the Last 4 Things in my life time has provided us with this in America:

1. At least 1.5 million surgical abortions are performed every year in the United States -- one out of every four pregnancies. (Abortion is murder, and murder is one of the "Four Sins Crying out to Heaven for Vengeance.") Thus in one year, twice as many Americans are killed through abortion as in all the wars of U.S. history. Every 11 days more children are aborted than American men were killed in the 11-year-long Vietnam War; every 10 weeks the number totals the number of American war dead in World War II. Every 5 hours and 15 minutes there are 900 abortions in the United States; each year abortion kills as many as the combined populations of Kansas City, Minneapolis and Miami. Surgical abortion is the most common operation performed in the United States today, three times as common as tonsilectomies. In addition, there are millions of silent abortions caused by the most commonly used (low dosage) birth control pill, the IUD, the morning-after pill, "menstrual extraction" and self-aborting vaginal suppositories. In America the pregnancy rate is high, but the birthrate is very low.

2. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce -- 50%! -- with resultant broken homes, misery for children, etc.

3. Advocates of birth control -- insisting that children are a burden and not a blessing -- are successfully inducing millions of young couples to use contraceptives. They say in effect that God can create life but cannot provide for it. It is estimated that 1/3 of couples married 10 years or more have been voluntarily sterilized.

4. Homosexuality is being recognized more and more as a "legitimate lifestyle," even by many who call themnselves Catholic. (And homosexuality, according to the Bible, is also one of the "Four Sins Crying out to Heaven for Vengeance.") San Francisco, one of our greatest cities, is now considered by many as the capital of homosexuality in the U.S.; "gay" organizations operate openly there and often brazenly stage public rallies in the city streets.

5. Prostitution, juvenile delinquency, sex crimes, and immorality in general have increased to an alarming degree since World War II. Much of this has been caused by the indecent fashions worn by modern women today, and much by the filthy propaganda reaching Americans through the movies, television, radio, newspapers, and particularly through the overwhelming torrent of indecent literature which has deluged us the past several years.

6. Money, material possessions, fame and power have become the "gods" worshipped by millions of Americans today -- a man's success in life is now measured by what he has. It little matters how he gets what he has.

qwikness said...

She is unhappy that there is not enough women in the cabinet with high positions. What? Mrs. Clinton is Secretary of State! How much higher can one get?

Gene said...

Templar, what you write is very true. I, too, appreciated Fr. David's homily Sunday because he spoke of sin as an offense against God and mentioned that the lines at the Confessional should be as long as the lines going to receive.

Our culture has lost the concept of sin as an offense against God, as a stain upon his Holiness and Righteousness. It is now defined primarily as an offense against our neighbor which, if I apologize and be nice from now on, makes everything ok. Serious sins against our neighbor (murder, rape, theft, etc.) are dealt with through the failed legal system and penance is a combination of jail time and having to listen to a lot of BS outrage in the news. However, because evil is viewed as only a matter of degree by our secular, mod culture (i.e. there is only a difference of degree between Mother Teresa and Lizzie Borden or between Fr. MacDonald and Charles Manson), we cannot judge even heinous criminals too harshly because "they are really just like us" (pause for projectile vomit). One lesson we could learn from Calvin is a profound emphasis upon God's Holiness and the dark stain we place upon it by our sins...even our smallest sin. We have lost all sense of individual and collective guilt before God and the judgement that will inevitably come. "They know not,neither do they understand, but walk on in darkness."